Forgiveness & Unity, Part 1

In this world of cancel, cancel, cancel, it’s hard to imagine what it was like long ago when saying “I’m sorry” actually meant something and was received with forgiveness.

Back when there was no internet, people were more forgiving when someone else made a mistake and less worried about attacking them if they had a different mindset or point of view.

Even after people started using the internet, it was not as bad as it is now. The History of the Internet has an interesting timeline with the world wide web coming around in the 80s but not really available to individuals until the 90s. Per the article linked, it was 1991-92 when things became interesting.

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Gina Carano Is Uncancelled

Please see Cancel the Blacklists, Bring Back Carano which is part one to this post.

Tweet by… The Bold Majority @JillsStar
In all seriousness everyone in my family canceled #DisneyPlus. The fact they & others listen to the #TwitterMob to make decisions like firing a strong independent woman proves they don’t stand for women at all. #HateIsHate and #GinaCaranoIsUncancelled

Gina is back to work but not with Disney Hypocrites!

Another of my favorite video producers, Nerdrotic, has created a video expressing the outrage currently found all over the internet (see end of post). It is ridiculous what they have done and the lies they have spread in order to get rid of someone they don’t think will fit into their world of hypocrisy.

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Cancel the Blacklists, Bring Back Carano

It’s okay for the leading man,
it’s okay for the righteous fan,
it’s okay for the Dems but oh,
it’s not okay for Carano.  
~Just Jill~

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Journalists as Firemen

Misinformation Spreaders aka Journalists

The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows

What do you get when you cross a Misinformation Spreader with an Internet Hall Monitor? Why a journalist, of course. A journalist no longer investigates and reports their findings; now they rummage around like rats looking for anything they can devour and barf back up. In their eyes, opinions are facts while true facts are lies.

…these journalistic hall monitors cannot abide the idea that there can be any place on the internet where people are free to speak in ways they do not approve. Like some creepy informant for a state security apparatus, they spend their days trolling the depths of chat rooms and 4Chan bulletin boards and sub-Reddit threads and private communications apps to find anyone — influential or obscure — who is saying something they believe should be forbidden, and then use the corporate megaphones they did not build and could not have built but have been handed in order to silence and destroy anyone who dissents from the orthodoxies of their corporate managers or challenges their information hegemony.

Journalists have become the ever-present tattletale of the internet and they are encouraged to do so by their employers and fellow journalists. Who, What, Where, When, and Why has been invaded by the ever popular “Whether or not you want my opinion, you’re getting it. And by the way, I’m spying on you.”

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Gas Prices on 2/11/2021

This is a continued study in gas price changes after Joe Biden signed his Executive Order eliminating thousands of jobs.

I am tracing the following states: California (West), Idaho (NW), Minnesota (N-mid), Pennsylvania (East), Florida (SE), Texas (S-mid).

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The Mind of an Abuser

The filth that is found within the minds of serial abusers as well as the disgusting thoughts of those who want to control and whip the innocent into believing they are nothing, is much easier to find today than in the last century.

The act of elevating themselves above anyone who does not think like they do is found in just a few words printed on a computer or phone screen. The words follow the abused wherever they go and push them into submission or withdrawal.

In the past, we heard of these wrong doers in the newspaper or on the evening news when someone was arrested. We would dive into the lives of an abuser or the abused in movies or novels. We could learn about true life serial abusers or criminals in history books or documentaries.

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What is a Misinformation Spreader?

This is an interesting article found on the New York Times site that talks about individuals and groups leaving social media and heading into private messaging apps.

The shift to private messaging has renewed a debate over whether encryption is a double-edged sword. While the technology prevents people from being spied on, it might also make it easier for criminals and misinformation spreaders to do harm without getting caught.

So we decided to walk through the differences between public social networks and private messaging apps to discuss their pros and cons.

Interesting they decide it’s easier for criminals AND misinformation spreaders to do harm as if to say the two are one in the same or the biggest issue of this messaging technology. Would they consider both conservative and liberal misinformation at the same level of worry?

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In The News

With so many things happening so quickly since the inauguration of Joe Biden, it is impossible to keep up with every news story out there. Regardless of where they come from or who writes them or any other consideration, it is just too much for any one person (or one dozen people) to keep up with and comment.

Today these headlines caught my eye and I have hopes to consider them in a future post. In the mean time, they will be listed here for review and commentary as others see fit.

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Coup D’Etat 1898 & 2020

The following video is an interesting bit of history that oddly seems to line up with what is happening today. It’s not an exact repeat of history but it shows just what politicians are willing to do in order to gain and keep power. They will hurt anyone and everyone who gets in their way and are indeed the ones keeping racism and hatred alive. They did it then, they are doing it now.

After Black voters helped elevate Black politicians to power in US politics, tensions over race started to flare up. Black men were called various disrespectful terms, and messages were put out in the media that stoked fear and guilt. In 1898, white citizens seized control of the government in North Carolina, and initiated the only successful American coup, by overthrowing the elected government in Wilmington, NC.

In those days, the Democratic party openly promoted laws that benefited white citizens and wanted to take control and keep it. After the insurrection, the Democrats in power passed poll taxes and literacy tests to disenfranchise Black voters further.

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Covid-19 Relief Bill

Biden is meeting with 10 Republican senators to discuss a possible agreement between his $1.9 trillion relief package and their $618 billion package. Statistics found here.

During an interview on 2/1/2021, Tim Scott R North Carolina stated he, and 39 other Senators were not invited to the meeting with Joe Biden to discuss covid relief. Tim’s thought on the stimulus package is that we should spend the money already put forth in the December package.

During the fiscal year 2020, the country spent $6.5 trillion with $4 trillion on Covid Relief. In December of 2020, they approved another $900 billion and less than 20% of those dollars have been spent.

His question is “what’s the hurry”?

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Do Democrats Want a Civil War?

Based on the violence throughout 2020 when Democrats said nothing to discourage it but instead actively encouraged it, coupled with the accusations they toss around like salad, it is becoming more and more ‘in your face’ that they want America at war within it’s own borders. Such a war would give them even more power because the government would enact more restrictions upon citizens and destroy the Constitution at the same time.

At this moment, there is a fence around the capitol and other government buildings with the intention of them being permanent (while border wall construction has stopped). What does this mean? It causes fear and creates more division. They are actively telling their voters that the congressional members are in danger from other voters with no proof provided (and based on what I’ve read on Twitter, people believe them). It is still not proven that what happened at the capitol was the fault of Trump let alone that all who did it were Trump voters. They are actively investigating the fact it was a planned attack far in advance of that day. The question not answered yet is by whom (although there is proof Antifa was also there).

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AwakenWithJP – Newsom Recall & Biden Fence

JP’s videos are awesome; here are my thoughts on the latest. Watch and subscribe to his videos… you’ll get a laugh while also being informed. 😉

Gavin Newsom lifts his stay at home order with 1.2 million signatures to recall him looming over his head (not much more needed, dude).

Bernie’s mittens win the popular vote against Biden… but that doesn’t count… sorry Bernie! Screwed by your own party once again.

8:00 Biden against an ‘African’ travel ban in 2020 calling Trump xenophobic but now has implemented his own similar ban in 2021. But he’s not xenophobic at all!

8:45 in 2006 Biden voted for a 700 mile long fence along our southern border but apparently a wall is not as good as a fence so the wall has to come down. What an idiot!

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Democrats Encourage Fear and Radicalization

I’ve been thinking about this for some time. We have become a very political nation to the point that most young people have some sort of opinion about politics. That is not normal.

Democrats have reached down into the hearts of the youngest people in order to begin their training and eventual loyalty to their party. The more they tell them how bad and evil they are and how awful their parents are, the more voters they can indoctrinate for the future.

The government shut down the country for most of 2020 making sure children could not go to school, could not see their friends, had to spend hours and hours online for schooling and thus on social media. This has caused an enormous amount of mental health issues, suicides, and a desperate desire for answers.

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Emperor Joe: Unite & Comply

Joe Biden’s call for unity while at the same time signing dozens and dozens of executive orders regardless of how those orders affect American citizens is not going over very well. He and those standing at his back saying “sign it anyways” when Joe doesn’t know what he’s signing, want people to bow and conform to their will. See video at bottom.

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Nancy Pelosi Makes Huge Accusation

During a press conference today with Nancy Pelosi, she was asked about security.  

Her answer was that they need supplemental security when the enemy is within the House of Representatives.

Follow up question? Yes, she was asked what she means by the enemy is within

Her answer was that there have been members of Congress who want to bring guns on the floor and have threatened violence on other members of congress.

Follow up Question? No.

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