Sorry We’re Closed

I have my own opinions on many subjects but I don’t often publicize them. I had a political blog for a few years… actually I still have it but I post to it very irregularly. The main reason is due to the fact political idiocy drives me mad, makes me angry, and then affects my mood with friends and family.

That being said, my feelings regarding immigration are getting stronger and stronger. It’s hard to watch videos of families fleeing for their lives and still say that our country needs to stop the waves of people entering. What’s harder, however, is worrying day after day if some of those people who are let in are actually terrorists and killers. To quote one of my favorite characters, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

What has happened to Europe is something that cannot happen here. We should not change our culture to appease the culture of those who enter our country, especially if they are fleeing that culture. If you are running away from something that is bad, you should leave it behind and not reincorporate it back into your life.

My fear, which I believe to be justifiable, is that those people entering our country who wish to continue with their culture will demand the right to continue certain traditions and even, in some cases, demand that we change our ways to become more like them. One of the biggest issues that I know of (and I cannot pretend to know them all) is the way they treat women. Being a woman, I find it an important issue. If those that oppress women are allowed to populate our society decide to impose those traditions on us, we will go backwards hundreds of years. That says a lot because, although the true feminist movement was not hundreds of years ago, treating women the way ‘they’ treat women is not something that has been found in America… at least not openly.

At some point in history, saying you were a feminist meant you were striving for equal rights for women… a noble cause. Now it seems that saying you’re a feminist means that you’re angry, especially at men. It’s no longer a matter of equality but a matter of demolishing the enemy, which is apparently every human man. It’s astonishing to me that anyone who calls themselves a feminist can back any society that allows female genital mutilation. Where is their outrage? Perhaps it’s happening and I’m just not reading the right news articles? Funny how certain organizations become silent when they should be screaming. It’s not just this situation, it’s not just about immigration, feminism, equal rights, minorities, sexuality, etc. It’s about power.

This leads naturally into the fact that certain groups who have their own set of rules can quickly break them if power is threatened… perhaps my next post. 😉

This post was originally seen on Alexandria (

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The Problem with Healthcare

One of the major issues with healthcare is NOT knowing in advance how much it will cost. It has been an issue for years and continues to be top on the list. What I find odd is how we think it is normal. It is not normal; it encourages high prices, corruption, and poor quality of care.

My son recently went to the doctor for a possible emergency. I say possible because it was uncertain how bad the situation was until we either discovered the truth via a doctor visit or by waiting for time to pass. He landed poorly and within a day his foot and ankle swelled and turned black and blue. It could have been a sprain or a break but without X-rays it was hard to know.

He is new to the world of healthcare and because I have always made these decisions for him and it never dawned on me to say “you don’t have to accept everything a doctor prescribes”, he found himself with a bill for a product he didn’t really want or, as it turns out, need.

The doctor placed an ankle brace on him without asking if he wanted it, without explaining his options, and without mentioning he would have to pay for it. It may seem obvious that you need to pay for equipment of this sort but if you’ve never been in this situation and if the doctor acts like it comes with the service, it can be a bit of a surprise.

Well, my son was surprised when the bill came which included the doctor’s charge, two X-Ray charges, another diagnostic charge, and a charge of $94 for an ankle brace he wore for 2 hours and could have purchased down the road for $15. I understand his frustration but am concerned when he says things like “I’m never going to the doctor again”. Sigh…

Many of these providers don’t actually know much about cost (although they do know there will be charge). They are completely separate from that aspect of healthcare. The doctor gets paid even if the clinic does not so why should he bother with a financial discussion? It places an unfortunate distance between doctor and patient. My grandfather was a doctor between the 40s and 70s and dealt with all aspects of his clinic, including how much to charge for services. He had strong relationships with his patients. Today it’s amazing if they truly remember who you are without first reviewing your file.

We would be better off if there was true competition between providers allowing them to create their own fees rather than the insurance companies dictating them. We could shop and compare and it would be up to us to decide if we want to pay more for what is perceived as the best doctor or pay a bit less for another doctor. All doctors would still need to meet certain levels of education, licensing, etc. Credentialing all provider types is important as there are too many corrupt people to simply take their word for it.

Today, I can visit a clinic that has ten doctors and be charged the same fee for the same service no matter which person sees me. Some people believe this is a benefit; that set pricing means no one will be left without care. But paying the same price for a service that isn’t truly the same QUALITY is not a good deal. It means that you take a chance on receiving crappy service depending on which doctor is available.

If I want a high quality meal with a high price tag, I know where to go in my home town. The same is true if I want something quick or cheap. I make that decision and I suffer the consequences of less money in my bank account or an upset stomach. Still MY choice.

Today, we are not trusted to make choices for ourselves and this leads to poor options in areas like healthcare and so much more.  

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Obama and Clinton Support Traditional Marriage

It’s interesting, isn’t it, how politicians can change their mind in the blink of an eye as if they just changed their shoes. They think we should just understand that things change. The only thing that changed is their perception of what the voters want them to say. Both Hilary and Obama state in the following video that they think marriage is between a man and a woman. Neither of them supported gay marriage. What changed for them? What made them decide that “nah, what I thought before doesn’t matter now because I think this way now”.

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Supreme Court Tells Voters and States They Don’t Count

I am no expert regarding the constitution but overriding the American voters and ignoring state law seems to be either unconstitutional or at least illegal. Using one amendment to override another amendment tells us that at any point they can ignore the constitution. Using the 14th to override the 10th means what? That the 10th doesn’t really mean anything?

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Guinea Pigs of Health Care

I am overwhelmed with the fear my mother has as she goes through upsetting and potentially deadly health issues. My main quandary is what the health care providers are really doing to help her. My own fears make me question what they’ve done for her so far and how those treatments have seemingly made her worse. Every time they try something else, my gut wrenches and I wonder what side-affect will occur and how far back it will set her.

So much of health care seems to be guess work and although I can agree that during the ages of man, it makes sense that guess work comes into play, I’m left wondering why we are still guessing. Perhaps I expect too much from our humanity. Perhaps I compare our ability to leave earth or make incredible electronic devices or break land speed records, way too much to our ability to understand the human condition.

Watching people die throughout my life has brought me to the understandable, if not ‘duh’, realization that death sucks. I’ve watched a friend die of a brain tumor and lung cancer, my step father die from lung cancer, my grandfather die from excessive stokes, my father-in-law die from cancer, my grandmother die from pancreas issues, and my great grandmother die from being 97… the happiest I can get from a person dying.

It just hurts and I cannot understand why we can’t fix it. I know that’s a childish thing to wish but I’m not trying to stop death. I’m not complaining that people die or suggesting that we find the fountain of youth. What I’m complaining about is the way we go about trying to live longer. We shouldn’t give up, that’s not what I’m saying either, but of the people I spoke of, three of them had either chemo-therapy or radiation and it didn’t help in any way other than end their lives sooner. It’s not that they were fine before the therapy but they sure as hell weren’t find after it. It pushed them to the top of the hill faster and right over the edge. So is it better to go through the process to prolong life when the process ends our lives sooner?

I like to think that health care is set up to help us in the present but I wonder if it’s geared more to help people years from now. Are we guinea pigs living in someone else’s past just to help them in the future? People living 200 years ago were certainly guinea pigs for us so it seems logical that we are experiments as well.

My logical mind says that it’s okay… we must learn now so we know more later. But it doesn’t make it hurt less knowing that people I care for may die because someone decides to ‘try’ something to see if it works. I don’t want the people I care for to be another statistic in another health journal for another student to ponder.

And what about me? How do I feel about putting myself into the hands of physicians who guess? What decisions will I make if they tell me they want to pump my system full of drugs while trampling my immune system into the dirt? Will I weigh the pros and cons and let fate guide me or will I fight tooth and nail trying anything and everything. I can give no answer because what I think I know or feel now is so far from what may be. A friend of mine said “if it happens to me, I will drive into the mountains and die”. When the time came, she let them fill her full of whatever treatment possible so she could see her grandchildren one more day.

We can say anything we like to a ‘what if’ question but when it becomes to reality… no one knows until that time arrives.

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Smartness Makes us Stupid

I was born before the cell phone era… before the Internet… before home computers; at least as we know them. Somewhere in a box in my house is my first cell phone purchased around 1994. A large flip phone with a useless antenna and so big that losing it was not even an option. My first computer cost about $1,700 and was purchased around 1997 when the Internet was known as AOL or Compuserve or some other mixture of words to form new words. The Internet was not really the world wide web; it was more of a room wide web. Very restrictive but still awesome, even with dial up. That’s right… dial up. Want to watch a video? No, not going to happen on dial up.

The cell phone went from a large monstrosity to something smaller than the palm of your hand. That is until smart phones caused us to go back to ‘bigger is better’. Who wants to watch a video on something the size of a tic tac? Notice how we’ve gone from watching videos on a computer screen to our cell phones, a device that handles more than a room full of old computers. The cell phone is incredibly powerful yet what do we do with them? Send text, take photos, play games, and bitch when we can’t get things instantly.

My first computer was the size of an Egyptian pyramid with less memory than the tic tac I mentioned a moment ago. It couldn’t do anything but made a lovely paper weight. Eventually I bought a lap top which lasted quite a while until someone talked me into getting something newer… which wasn’t as awesome but cost half as much. Now I have an all-in-one computer with more memory and power than I’ll ever need but one day I will feel the need to replace it as well.

The Internet went from chat rooms and useless information to an enormous amount of information where everyone seems to know everything about everything. If you can’t find it on line, it doesn’t exist. Of course, it also has so much crap that it’s hard to find the truth through the smell. Several years ago… lets say about ten… I had a website that people were impressed with because I built it using Front Page and taught myself how to do it. Now… well, I don’t need to know anything about building a website yet can still make one. Templates… that’s all you need to know these days.

Is the smart phone making us stupid? Is the Internet just another way of keeping the masses subdued during the stampede? Is our need for the newest device just a way to keep our money out of our own accounts?

And no matter the answer to these questions, how many of us would be honestly willing to give it all up?

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The Current Flood of Idiots

I have been asked why posting on this blog has stopped. Yes, it’s been over two years since I posted last. It’s just so depressing the political atmosphere these days. After Obama won his first election, I was a bit in shock. It’s not the fact people voted for him… it was all the lies everyone believed. People are so gullible.

Today, I see people post things on Facebook or Twitter or various other places and I just don’t know why on earth they think the way they do. I’m sure they feel the same of me and feel they are right in all aspects. It’s just that so much they say doesn’t make sense. They will say one thing and shortly after that say something completely different that contradicts the last statement.

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Remove Freedom and Call It Love

The Left’s Agenda – Remove Freedom and Call It Love

The more the Left points their fingers at the Right, the more I realize just how power hungry and obsessive they are about creating the most exclusive group of specialized egotistical individuals who care nothing for anything other than promoting their own agendas, wealth, and nose in the air. They disgust me!

And of course they blame the Right, the Republicans, the Conservatives, and anyone who might lean in that direction for the latest storm to hit New York. Sandy is the fault of other human beings… namely those mentioned here. As if we, mere humans, could cause nature to do what we want. Nature is not one to take directions or commands. Nature is above us all. To assume that we cause storms that have hit the Earth long before humans ever appeared is egotistical and asinine.

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The Candidates!

Thoughts on the candidates.

Paul is old and wants to internalize America…
Newt is always angry about something and has a mobster feel to him…
Romney seems greasy and fake but very confident…
Santorum looks scared to death & doesn’t seem to know what he will say next.

I find this very depressing… and honestly, the last election DID depress me and thinking about this depresses me again. I sadly fear BO will continue to stink up the country another 4 years and we’ll be bumming off bums before too long. Why? Because we need a Reagan and can’t seem to find one. I will keep everything that I can possibly cross, crossed, and hope that the American people can see that electing Obama another term will doom our country. We’re already in deep crap!

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ID Not Required to Vote in Texas

I realize I haven’t posted to this blog in a very long time. Politics seems to have a negative effect on me and the last couple of years has been quite disappointing. This last week I started receiving updates from different news sources and of course that got my neck hairs bristled a bit.

Two things that ticked me off this morning…
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The 53%

Link to blog called “we are the 53%”… “I am the 53%.”

I read this on a friend’s Facebook post and asked “what’s this all about” anxious for something different than those who claim to be the 99%.

The news is insane lately… people walking around complaining about Wall Street in hopes of… what exactly? Then Al Gore decides to endorse Occupy Wall Street. Of all human attributes, hypocrisy is the worst. My suggestion to Al Gore is to sell all of his shares sitting on Wall Street and distribute HIS wealth to those whining that it’s not fair the rich are rich and they are not. Hypocrisy… it’s a bad taste and an evil part of humanity. 

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Tea Party Vs. Occupy Wall Street – Where are the Racists?

The list of demands from OW is incredible. Some of the listed items contradict other items… some of them are very socialistic in nature. They are demanding much… chanting, holding up signs, marching on different locations and capitols.

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Angry Obama

I haven’t had much to say for some time… mainly because the outcome of Obama being president has not encouraged me but only left me slowly shaking my head. That being said, I am ashamed of most politicians lately… I have not found one that really makes me HOPEFUL for the future of our country. I hope that person comes along real fast.
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Sucker Punch – a 9/11 poem

Please view the previous post for my other poem written a few years ago. This is the newest one written today and it outlines a bit of what happened that day (for me) and my thoughts then and now. 

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Remembering 911 – a Murderous Attack

I wrote the poem shown below on September 25, 2007. People tell us (Americans) we need to just let it go, not talk about what happened and just acknowledge that we deserved it.

That is not the place my mind dwells… we did not deserve it. If we look back through history… way back through the decades… we can find the reasons we were attacked and if we study it carefully we can determine that the reasoning coming from those 80 years ago still does not justify what was done.

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