Obama Dis’s US Military Troops

Obama decides not to visit our US troops in Germany because he felt the visit would be considered a campaign event. His apparent reasons for going to visit them originally was to show his “appreciation” for our troops.

I agree fully with Brian Rogers, a spokesman for Senator John McCain who said “Barack Obama is wrong. It is never inappropriate to visit our men and women in the military.”

Why was it appropriate to visit the combat support hospital in Baghdad? What made this trip to Lundstuhl Regional Medical Center off limits? What’s up with this bull about “not” going out of respect for the servicemen and women stating it “would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign.”

Oh… and to those people who think going to visit our military troops is just a “photo-op”… shame on you. There may be some politicians out there who think like that but it’s funny how so many liberals have to say something bad… anything bad… about the Republican party, even if it contradicts what their own candidate does. If Obama WENT to see the troops, they would say he was a hero… if Obama DOES NOT go and states it would be abusing them, they would say he was a hero. Where do you stand? Is it a good idea to show respect to those who stand up and fight for your country or not? You can’t have it both ways.

I say that it’s a good idea to visit our troops, especially if you’re already there. It doesn’t matter if it’s a democrat, republican, independent, libertarian… it just doesn’t matter. If you are there and you have the clearance… you should go. If I were there and I had the ability, I would go. It’s easy to say that because more thank likely, I would not be permitted… but if I could… I would go!!

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