Political Garbage Piles

Politics has become a dangerous part of our social lives. The last 10 years alone has seen some of the worse ‘in your face’ political garbage piles I’ve ever witnessed. For the longest time I thought it was simply because I’m more in tuned or more curious about politics. In some ways, that is true. From about the year 2000, I became very much aware of how politicians can make or break our country.

Around 2006 or so, it was getting more obvious to me that this was true. I started watching what was happening and realized it was important. I spent a great many years completely wrapped up in my own drama that the drama of Washington DC was just too much and too far out of my scope, that I ignored it. I still voted but I couldn’t tell you much about the candidates. Hell, I usually never heard their names until they announced they were running.

The many changes that occurred during Obama’s presidency and the absolute silence from the media, or even worse, the complete joy they showed every time the man breathed, made me nauseous. I had heard about media bias but never really believed nor witnessed it until this man’s presidency.

Even then, it wasn’t as obvious as it is today.

The complete hypocrisy of Obama’s political party has never been quite so obvious or quite so blatant as it is now that they are not in the driver’s seat. They have done everything possible to unseat the man in office today. They have flat out lied and made up fanciful stories about a man they adored when he wasn’t president. If this man had run as a Democrat, they would shine his shoes with their favorite hanky.

If Trump were a Democrat, they would praise everything he’s accomplished in the last two years. They would call him the best president ever elected and find a way to elect him for three terms. There would be no talk of impeachment or Russian collusion. They would claim that collusion isn’t a crime and be done with it.

When Bill Clinton was president, Nancy Pelosi was all kinds of ticked off that he wasn’t allowed to review the report about him before given to Congress. Now that there’s a Republican in office, she’s ticked off that Trump was allowed to review the report about him before given to Congress. Whether or not either of these men should have seen reports before Congress is not in question by me; what is in question, is the hypocrisy of those in political office.

When they see an opportunity to attack, they will use all manor of tactics to get their way. It doesn’t matter if a few years before they said it was wrong to do what they are okay with doing today. It’s all about power and it will always be about power.

I listened to a lady call a talk show the other day and she said what I’ve been thinking. Everything is about politics now and it’s nasty on both sides.

My thought is this… the politicians will take any and all opportunity to stay in power. There may be some who are legitimately there to represent the people but it’s very hard to identify them. They will lose the average American who will eventually tune out. This is not necessarily to the benefit of one party or another because those people may stop voting or simply vote for their ‘life long’ party no matter what is happening in today’s world. They will hope that what the party was, will eventually ‘be’ again. Good luck thinking that!

Today we have social media and because of the horrible people found there, it’s impossible to know just how many of them actually believe what is said. How many of those Trump haters are NOT people at all? How many accounts does one person own, confusing the rest of us with their insanity?

I’ve played around with Twitter and Gab but I can never fully engage. I don’t have the time or the desire to stalk people or harass them for thinking something I don’t. I just don’t care enough to hurt others or force my point down their throat. It’s not my way.

If everyone let everyone else thinking what they want without making them feel like crap for it, we would be much better off. The old saying ‘can’t we all just get along’ comes to mind. Instead, we tell kids not to bully while we turn around and do some of the worse bullying imagined. The school bullies of ten or twenty years ago are now in the political arena and it’s scary how psychologically messed up some of them are.

Social media shines a spot light on the brightest of the most insane.

There are people fighting the good fight and I smile when I see the logic behind what they say. They don’t search people out and call them names or try to spread lies to make themselves more popular. Politics has gotten nastier and nastier with every passing year and there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight.

One of our best hopes are the people who stand up to bullies with logic and sanity. It’s easy to recognize them because they don’t say things that make your head spin or reverse their beliefs based solely on who is in office at that moment. They believe what they believe, today and tomorrow, and understand what it means to have integrity.

This post was originally seen on Alexandria (aleksandreia.com).

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