Here we go… let us make regulations so tough that if a person wants to open their own business, the government will force them into bankruptcy. Gee… wonder how that will help the economy or those who desperately need employment.
Barack Obama is a herder. He herds his flock in the direction he so chooses… and they blindly go where he DICTATES. Their only word is “bah” (which represents simply repeating what Obama says) and their only action is to crap on anyone who doesn’t conform.
Barack Obama is a dictator in the making… he has convinced his followers that what his right hand is doing doesn’t matter and that they should just look at his left. It doesn’t matter about all of his past and current associates… he’s just being friendly. It doesn’t matter about his voting record… it was for a higher purpose.
His purpose.
I read people’s comments and hear their thoughts about how we need to spread the wealth around because too many people are poor and it just isn’t fair. Really? Not fair, huh?
So what happens to a society wherein everyone is at the same level? It becomes stagnant… unmoving… we will not progress passed where we sit on the couch. Why would anyone who used to work hard every day continue to do so if he can’t keep his money but must give it to some bum in another part of the country who watches game shows… and then soap operas… and then talk shows? Why… well, because it’s some how fair. We should work hard for very little. Blah.
But there are individuals who are in that place… the place of being poor but doing nothing to get out of it… they love Obama because he is going to free them. He will give them free money from those “rich” people who are too greedy to see the poor people in the country. They are waiting for Obama to swoop down, grab a few thousand dollars from some jerk who is working hard and give it to them.
What these people don’t understand is that many of these rich people DO give to charity and they do help their friends and family… but low and behold, they can’t help everyone and certainly they can’t help someone they’ve never heard of. Oh, but Obama is going to change that… he’s going to MAKE these people known and give them a voice that allows them to make everyone who has ever succeeded feel guilty for not giving to those who won’t even try.
You want a voice? Get up and do something with your life.
The only thing that is truly free is our right to be free. If the government gives you $1000 they expect something in return… mostly your vote to continue what they are doing. Why would anyone vote AGAINST free money in their pocket for doing nothing? Well, therein lies a key doesn’t it.
Just like cattle… the farmer calls out to them and they come over lazily to stick their heads down into the pile of free food to get fatter and fatter. The farmer smiles because he knows his herd won’t wander too far from home because they would starve to death if they did. The chickens run to the farmer when it’s feeding time and will blindly pluck at the ground to get as much feed as possible as quickly as possible because the chicken next to her might get more; and that wouldn’t be fair. Again, the farmer smiles because just like the cattle, his chickens are getting fat. Soon he will be able to feed many people.
The government won’t slaughter it’s flock to feed other people… instead the government goes out and slaughters the farmer’s crew because the farmer was too successful and they need to feed their own flock money (they tax him practically out of business, but not quite). Now the farmer can’t take care of the cattle and the chicken. Now he will have to let some of his animals die or slaughter more than necessary so the others can survive. Soon he won’t be able to feed many people.
Do you see a pattern here? What will happen to Obama’s herds… to his flocks… once the hands of the rich are empty? Why… he will have to tell his followers that they need to fend for themselves. Well, how in the world will they be able to do that… no one has taught them and all they’re used to getting is free feed. So what will they do… they will turn on each other and even more hatred will flourish in Obama Land.
And what will you see? You will see Obama smile because when his own followers divide, he has accomplished segregating the American people into smaller and smaller groups who will be easier to conquer and easier to control. If the people are not together… they can not stand up and fight and they will fall.
And who will profit from all of this? Obama and his ELITE followers. All of his flock who peck at the ground or lazily wander over to their feed will eventually mean nothing to him. He will be where he wants to be and until his followers put aside their greed and get over being “victimized”, we will be a divided country.
If I earn the money to buy a pizza and WANT to share it with my neighbor because he’s having a bad spell, I should have the right and ability to do so.
If the government tells me I MUST give half of it to someone even if he is doing NOTHING to earn it, that’s socialism. If it’s taken from me then I will not have the ability to give it freely.
A vote for Obama is a vote for spreading the wealth in this fashion… give to those who do NOTHING and make everyone dependent on the government.
Without Al Gore’s Internet, how could we ever find out how much of an idiot Al truly is and how much the media lies about Barack Obama and makes him out to be The One. If this man gets elected, he will be The One alright… The One who ruined America and drove it into the hands of terrorists, spinning us down into slavery and a hell we may not escape.
Dramatic? Well, the closer and closer we get to election day and the more garbage I heard about how wonderful Obama is by the media, the more depressed I get.
Journalism died in 2008… it’s nothing like it was before… or is it? Perhaps it’s always been this way but it wasn’t until this election that their true colors flourished on the screens and the airwaves.
Have you ever noticed how Obama tends to talk down to people and then how surprised he gets when he finds out that not everyone is accepting the brainwashing voodoo he’s bouncing around the media?
{Obama’s racist, elitist thoughts} Oh hey… there’s some stupid looking white dude who does menial labor scooping out crap from toilets. Certainly he’ll be glad to hear I want to spread the wealth around cause there’s no way in hell this idiot could ever make $250,000… I mean (chuckle) who ever heard of anyone making that kind of cash by cleaning out pipes. I’ll just tell him how happy he should be getting a bigger piece of the pie when I take from the rich and give to him and his other loser whiteys. Oh ya… he’s gonna love me and if the “spreadin the wealth around” lie doesn’t work then I’ll make him feel guilty that he’s white.
I’m going to apologize for this in advance but not for the reasons some may think. No… I’m going to apologize to Joe and all of the other regular tax paying, hard working men and women of every color and every religion and every other background you can think of who happen to live in this country.
It’s a sad day when anyone pretends to understand your life and then has the audacity to try to fix it. These “fixes” that Obama offers up will not eliminate the rich in this country… it will expand the middle class by raising those who sit on their couches to an income just tasty enough to cause them to chant Obama’s name. It will make those who have worked hard all their life to have the income to do what they want and help others wonder why they should even bother being TOO successful because those who already have permanent butt prints on their couches are going to take it away.
So that DOES sound like he WILL eliminate the rich, doesn’t it? Sorry… he won’t. Obama will make certain that the most liberal elite are very well off (proof is already out there) and will be able to keep the highest percentage of their money (until he’s really called on it; then he’ll lose followers when they whine about paying taxes just like “everyone else”). Screw the little guys… screw those who don’t bow the lowest, screw those who DARE to stand up and say he’s wrong, screw anyone who thinks blacks in this country don’t have it BAD even though everyone has the same rights, screw you and you and you… oh… but not YOU, Mr. Liberal Lover; you’re beautiful.
It’s gone beyond disgusting… it’s gone beyond revolting… and it’s gone beyond what we ever thought would truly happen. Oh, people may have guessed there’s a group out there that wants to take over and create their own perfect utopia-socialistic society. But not here, right? Not here in America where we’re taught in school how bad communism and socialism is… not here where we’re taught in school how evil Hitler was and what North Korea is REALLY all about.
What?!?! You mean they’ve down played all that and more? Now lets think… why on Earth would anyone want to down play events in world history that were evil and murderous and controlling? Why do that?
Because they want to be able to make us forget what happened in order to gain control of the masses and treat them like cattle going to the slaughter!!
Already so much of our history is far enough back, that there aren’t many people who truly REMEMBER what happened. We are victims to the press and to the teachers who select the books that make it seem that the viciousness of Earth’s history was like a week-long safari rather than years and years of horrendous dictatorships and terrorism.
I am embarrassed today to say I ever took that Journalism class in High School… and all those hours of playing on the floor of my grandmother’s den while she listened to the news seems so far away now. The voices that soothed even when giving facts that weren’t pleasant. Now they don’t sooth me even when they make crap seem like roses. I want to know the truth. History isn’t truth any more… history is whatever the elite liberals want it to be and that kind of control is unacceptable, unreliable and not worth the air they’re breathing.
NOTE: Video link broke but keeping this post for other info below.
Wow… now here’s a man with a pair.
Barney Frank says we need an “IMMEDIATE INCREASE IN SPENDING and I think this is a time when deficit fear has to take a second seat. I do think this is a time for a very important kind of dose of changenism. I believe later on there should be tax increases… speaking personally, I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax at a point down the road and recover some of this money.”
Okay… okay… he didn’t really say “changenism”… he said Keynesianism. But come on… how can you tell?
I just love comments on YouTube or under articles. Now admitedly, I am ignorant when it comes to tax laws and exactly how taxes work for those making tons more money than me. Most of my comments are based on simple math.
I obviously don’t know what I’m talking about in regards to exactly how much a person is taxed at certain points but I do know this… there are small businesses that already have plans in place for laying people off if Obama becomes president because they won’t be able to afford to keep them. That is a huge statement.
There were more comments but I just pulled out what I thought may be found interesting.
If I earn $20,000 and pay 15% but someone earning $300,000 pays 35%… they are paying a larger percentage of their income than I am.
Commenter “A”
you don’t even pay that 15%
Commenter “B”
You just described the progressive tax system that has existed in America for over 100 years. You earn more you pay more in taxes. Period.
When someone says the rich aren’t paying enough taxes, my first question is “how much do you want them to pay”? Let’s pretend I earn $250,001 a year and I find out I’m going to be taxed more at that income. The easiest way to avoid it is to earn less. So I might as well just keep my income at $240k and stay right there. All it does is encourage me to succeed to a certain point and stop. It’s a way to get people to remain at a level where they can be controlled.
Commenter “V”
your misunderstanking of tax brackets is not uncommon. The more you earn, the more you’ll have in your pockets after being taxed. Therefore it is always rewarding to succeed and make more money.
Commenter “Z”
Point well taken, but this won’t be the case necessarily. Suppose you did make $250,000 a year and is taxed more than the average person. Obama’s plan would not still hurt the rich, because why???
Come on… do you seriously think BILL GATES will suffer under Obama’s plan??? The Rich has NO FINANCIAL PROBLEMS with paying tax! But they do have serious problems when low class people, not being able to afford their next meal, steals from them.
I think that’s more a matter of being good to your fellow man. Honestly, I would rather be taxed less so I can give more away. I am not in control of how much Bill Gates gives to charities… but if someone who is very rich doesn’t want to give away his or her money, should we then tax them for being greedy? That’s one of those lines that is hard to find because “greed” can take on several definitions.
Commenter “J”
Should we tax them for being greedy? Absolutely; that’s their punishment. Greed is a despicable human quality.
And it’s this last commenter that brings it all out into the clearning. Liberals want to tax the hell out of those THEY feel are greedy or not giving enough to their fellow man. There is no way to determine what is “too greedy” but somehow they have managed to figure out a way.
Anyone making over $250,000 is too greedy and must pay a greed tax.
Gosh… I certainly don’t want to pay a greed tax… guess I’ll just stay at the bottom of the food chain.
I have two questions to ask Senator Obama. I would truly like to hear his answers.
Part I
What advice would you give to white Americans who do not agree with your politics and have therefore decided not to vote for you but are faced with the finger pointing and the nastiness coming from the media and individuals who insist that not voting for you is a sign of being a racist, even if such an accusation is completely false?
Part II
What would you say to those in the media and to the finger-pointers who are calling McCain supporters racist and thereby attemption to manipulate and bully them which is causing people to be afraid to express their opinions?
The more I hear about what people want to do and what people actually do… the more disgusted I feel and the more empty I feel inside. How can any man or woman function after performing a partial birth abortion? How can you do this and then go home to your own children or, if you don’t have any, how can you simply look yourself in the eyes while you’re getting ready every morning in front of the mirror?
As seen HERE … documentation from medical experts… detailed images of partial birth abortions. These are actually medical drawings and are not actual pictures of real people (thank goodness… I think that would just put me over the edge… although there may be some people who NEED to go over the edge). I do have my own opinions but the more I hear, the more I realize that just giving in a “little” to the Liberal Left leads to this type of murderous activity. Seems to me that every time they receive a little of what they want, all they do is ask for more!!
This only proves that people will vote for Obama simply because he is “Obama”. It really doesn’t matter where the people are from who are asked these questions… it has to do with the fact that people have their blinders on and don’t care WHAT the policies are… they just care about “WHO” is in power and the message behind that choice.
These are the questions asked… can you see a potential problem?
“Are you for Obama because he’s more pro-life or because he wants to keep our troops in Iraq to finish this war.”
“If he wins would you have any problem with Sarah Palin being Vice President?”
“How do you feel about Obama being “anti-stem” research?”
In High School, teachers taught that being a journalist meant reporting facts about factual events. Looking back I realize this was just a cover story to the truth behind what our teachers were truly trying to get us, their students, to do.
If our stories were not colorful enough or didn’t grab the attention of the readers within those first three sentences, we were chastised and given a low grade. We were encouraged to be flamboyant and, inevitably, to make up stories… all the while we were told… “report the facts” and “make it sound interesting and grab your readers”.
Sorry Mrs. Hypocrite… I didn’t make the grade. Why? Was it truly because I just wasn’t good at writing interesting news articles or was it because I was confused as to what I was supposed to do in order to get a good grade in the class?
I walked away from that year confused and frustrated. I DID report the facts and I thought I made it interesting… but when I look back at those old High School newspapers, I realize that the students that “made the grade” were those that made a factual event into an exaggerated, fantastic experience that… in some cases… never happened. I was green, I realize that, but I thought I was a bad writer… that I sucked at being a journalist and reporting the news. The truth was that I DID report the news; the true news… and I was given a bad grade for doing it.
That being said, I was also shy and reclusive and interviewing people was very difficult for me… some might say that my lack of self esteem may be a cause for not writing a good article. For the sake of “playing fair”, that may be partially true… but for the sake of “being honest”, it’s only partially true. Even if I had never interviewed a soul… if I had made my articles shine and jump off the page, it wouldn’t have mattered if truth was involved.
How long have the educators of our children been expressing to them the morals of society with back-stage whispering that it’s okay to break the rules so long as it is to the benefit of “those in charge”… wink, wink… nudge, nudge… say no more.
Lets just say it’s been happening for at least the last 40 years… at least. And those who insist that journalist tell more and more white lies and more and more exaggerated stories are the true villains. Journalist MUST make their news sound like life and death… they MUST grab the reader’s attention and reel them in. Reel them in to what? Not the truth… that’s not what matters any more. They reel them in to lies and twisted realities to change the world we live in.
One day these educators and back-whispers just may get what they ultimately THOUGHT they wanted… a society of people who do what they are told because they want so desperately to fit in with the elitist. If that day arrives… they will be slapped in the face and stand there wondering what went wrong.
It’s really not fun controlling people who need babysitters.
I guess I don’t see Barack in the same light as others. In my research of him and his anger issues, it turns out several people want him to get angrier (broken link) (1) instead of remaining so cool and collected.
I was surprised by this… although not entirely. I can see that he’s pretty cool and under control most of the time so it’s understandable that people think he’s not angry.
The reason I began researching this was because I noticed some underlying anger when he was confronted in certain situations. I am not one of those people who thinks that Obama is NOT angry… I believe he is VERY angry and that if he is poked too hard, he may just explode and finally show us what he’s really all about. Defending yourself is one thing… but there’s proof out there in videos where he’s getting angry at old ladies who dare to ask the hard questions or he gets angry because a group of people are at his rally displaying signs in protest (people who happen to be black… how dare they!!). You can see it in his face and you can hear it in his voice… this man is a well controlled missile of anger.
What will happen if he finally loses control of this anger missile as president? There have been plenty of presidents who got angry at different times, it’s true… but how will Obama react when the pressure is REALLY on?
Quote: “The anger is real. It is powerful, and to simply wish it away, to condemn it without understanding its roots, only serves to widen the chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races.” – Barack Obama
Obama’s Anger – The few paragraphs below from this article relate a story wherein Barack commented that black Americans think they are owed and that as long as they do, they will go nowhere. I think he’s right… and if he could stick with that story, it would show how much he really cares.
He was interested in my story, and after about an hour getting to know each other I asked him point blank why these Vietnamese refugees, with no money, friends, or knowledge of the language could be, within a generation, so successful. I also asked him why it was so difficult to convince young black men to abandon the streets and take advantage of the same kinds of opportunities that the Vietnamese had recently embraced.
His answer, only a few words, not only floored me but became sort of a razor that has allowed me ever since to slice through all of the rhetoric regarding race relations that Democrats shovel our way during election season:
“We’re owed and they aren’t.”
In short, he concluded, “they’re hungry and we think we’re owed. It’s crushing us, and as long as we think we’re owed we’re going nowhere.”
And yet… he has given speeches wherein he makes his skin color THE issue by telling us he’s someone different than former candidates. Why do that if it doesn’t matter to him? Because it does matter to him. He’s too focused on being the first black president that he can’t help but state it by “not” stating it (in other words, he spends too much time saying it doesn’t matter that he’s black… why even bring it up?).
Just like his fellow democrats and liberals who continue to say that IF their favorite candidate is somehow not elected, then it will be because he’s black… why?… well because they totally and completely agree with his politics and therefore can’t see any other reason why anyone would not vote for him. Oh… and they use it as an excuse and a way to make people feel guilty for not voting for a black man. They tell people that if they don’t vote for Obama, then they are racist; I have read it in articles and in blogs. That’s obsurd!! Skin is not the issue.
Obama’s promotion of violence (broken link) – I see this very subtle request for his supporters to get in the faces of those who oppose them as a request for violence. If someone were to get in my face and start arguing with me about what I beleive in… I would walk away and never speak with that person again. But there are those who would not take that and strike back… and be called a racist for doing it no matter what the differences were racially between the two individuals because the discussion would be about Obama. Fair? Doubtful.
Obama heckled… and his reaction (broken link) – calm… cool… collected… and yet “let me finish what I have to say… alright…” they aren’t harsh words at all and he’s trying so hard to remain calm, I can see that. So a person can study videos all day long and always find some sort of something in a person’s facial expressions or in their eyes. Is it really there? Well, I didn’t study the video… it was something in those few seconds that radiated a hidden issue… I wonder how high his blood pressure rose.
Obama’s “love” for white people (broken link) – Quote by Barack “The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity – she doesn’t. But she is a typical white person who… if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know there’s a reaction in her that’s been bred into our experiences that don’t go away, and that sometimes come out in the wrong way.”
Obama’s Anger – It isn’t race, it’s a mindset. I am putting most of this article here, but there is more if you follow the link.
A good test case for this theory is Katrina. Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and assorted white apologists continue to express anger and outrage over the federal response to the Katrina disaster. But where were the Vietnamese “leaders” expressing their “anger?” The Vietnamese comprise a substantial part of the New Orleans population, and yet are absent was any report claiming that the Vietnamese were “owed” anything. This is not to say that the federal response was an adequate one, but we need to take this as a sign that maybe the problem has very little to do with racism and a lot to with a mindset.
The mindset that one is “owed” something in life has not only affected black mobility in business but black mobility in education as well. Remember Ward Churchill? About fifteen years ago he was my boss. After leaving the fishing boats, I attended graduate school at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I managed to get a job on campus teaching expository writing to minority students who had been accepted provisionally into the university on an affirmative action program. And although I never met him, Ward Churchill, in addition to teaching in the ethnic studies department, helped to develop and organize the minority writing program.
The job paid most of my bills, but what I witnessed there was absolutely horrifying. The students were encouraged to write essays attacking the white establishment from every conceivable angle and in addition to defend affirmative action and other government programs. Of the hundreds of papers that I read, there was not one original contribution to the problem of black mobility that strayed from the party line.
The irony of it all however is that the “white establishment” managed to get them into the college and pay their entire tuition. Instead of being encouraged to study international affairs, classical or modern languages, philosophy or art, most of these students became ethnic studies or sociology majors because it allowed them to remain in disciplines whose orientation justified their existence at the university. In short, it became a vicious cycle.
There was a student there I’ll never forget. He was plucked out of the projects in Denver and given a free ride to the university. One day in my office he told me that his mother had said the following to him: “M.J., they owe you this. White people at that university owe you this.” M.J.’s experience at the university was a glorious fulfillment of his mother’s angst.
There were black student organizations and other clubs that “facilitated” the minority student’s experience on the majority white and “racist” campus, in addition to a plethora of faculty members, both white and black, who encouraged the same animus toward the white establishment. While adding to their own bona fides as part of the trendy Left, these “facilitators” supplied M.J. with everything he needed to quench his and his mother’s anger, but nothing in the way of advice about how to succeed in college. No one, in short, had told M.J. that he needed to study. But since he was “owed” everything, why put out any effort on his own?
In a fit of despair after failing most of his classes, M.J. wandered into my office one Friday afternoon in the middle of the semester and asked if I could help him out. I asked M.J. about his plans that evening, and he told me that he usually attended parties on Friday and Saturday nights. I told him that if he agreed to meet me in front of the university library at 6:00pm I would buy him dinner. At 6pm M.J. showed up, and for the next twenty minutes we wandered silently through the stacks, lounges, and study areas of the library. When we arrived back at the entrance I asked M.J. if he noticed anything interesting. As we headed up the hill to a popular burger joint, M.J. turned to me and said:
“They were all Asian. Everyone in there was Asian, and it was Friday night.”
Nothing I could do, say, or show him, however, could match the fire power of his support system favoring anger. I was sad to hear of M.J. dropping out of school the following semester.
During my time teaching in the writing program, I watched Asians get transformed via leftist doublespeak from “minorities” to “model minorities” to “they’re not minorities” in precise rhythm to their fortunes in business and education. Asians were “minorities” when they were struggling in this country, but they became “model minorities” when they achieved success. Keep in mind “model minority” did not mean what most of us think it means, i.e., something to emulate. “Model minority” meant that Asians had certain cultural advantages, such as a strong family tradition and a culture of scholarship that the black community lacked.
To suggest that intact families and a philosophy of self-reliance could be the ticket to success would have undermined the entire angst establishment. Because of this it was improper to use Asian success as a model. The contortions the left exercised in order to defend this ridiculous thesis helped to pave the way for the elimination of Asians altogether from the status of “minority.”
This whole process took only a few years.
Eric Hoffer said:
“…you do not win the weak by sharing your wealth with them; it will but infect them with greed and resentment. You can win the weak only by sharing your pride, hope or hatred with them.”
We now know that Barack Obama really has no interest in the “audacity of hope.” With his race speech, Obama became a peddler of angst, resentment and despair. Too bad he doesn’t direct that angst at the liberal establishment that has sold black people a bill of goods since the 1960s. What Obama seems angry about is America itself and what it stands for; the same America that has provided fabulous opportunities for what my black friend called “hungry” minorities. Strong families, self-reliance, and a spirit of entrepreneurship should be held up as ideals for all races to emulate.
In the end, we should be very suspicious about Obama’s anger and the recent frothings of his close friend Reverend Wright. Says Eric Hoffer:
The fact seems to be that we are least open to precise knowledge concerning the things we are most vehement about. Vehemence is the expression of a blind effort to support and uphold something that can never stand on its own.
Michelle Obama – she has tried to control it but her anger seeps up to the surface until it itches it’s way out and she just can’t help but get into everyone’s face to let them know exactly what she’s all about. Do I want an angry first lady… especially one who obviously will be influencing Barack’s political career? No… I don’t. Michelle Obama has shown her quiet and controlled side just like her husband but the truth is in her eyes… she can’t stand anyone who doesn’t think the way she does and I don’t want to be under her angry thumb. Seems to me, she wears the pants in the family (that should anger someone).
(1) want him to get angrier (broken link) – by the way, there are a few videos in this link that I found interesting… one of Ronald Reagan getting angry when someone wanted to turn off his microphone and he said “I’m paying for this microphone!!” The other video is of Barack Obama in Elko Nevada during an interview (below)… the last minute of this interview actually showed him “connecting” and being honest about his chances about being elected and the fact he claims if he isn’t elected he will NOT blame it on the fact he’s black; too bad his politics aren’t as smooth as his words.
This video is about 11 minutes long and takes a lot of reading and pausing if you want to check the sources of information… but quite interesting.
Original video with different music… apparently Warner Music Group tried to claim copyright because of the music being played in the background (although we can still watch it, so it must not have been an issue after all).
… although… they apparently contributed $338,527 to Barack Obama’s campaign.
* Obama couldn’t name one program or issue where he would implement budget cuts or reductions. Not one thing. Obama is the textbook definition of a Liberal Tax and Spender.
* Obama wants more troops in Afghanistan. Using Liberal Logic (not that there is such a thing), this means that Obama is a warmonger, that he loves bloodshed and destruction. Remember, it’s the Liberals who say, “war is always wrong,” yet his supporters will not hold him to the same standard that they do a Republican who would advocate more Troops being sent to Afghanistan. Never underestimate the ability of Liberals to remain in a deep state of denial.
* At one point, Obama referred to John McCain as, “Tom.” Did Obama hit the crack pipe prior to the debate? Could be.
I wondered if I was the only one who noticed he called him Tom. Interesting… I’m quite sure
we could analyize this further if we really wanted to. What was Obama trying to say?
Obama’s forceful objection to Russia going into Georgia.
Obama will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems… and yet he believes
we need missile defence because of Iran and North Korea (although he previously stated
that Iran is no great threat). Which is it???
News Sources (video further down the page):
Transcripts at What did Henry Kissinger really say? (broken link)
Fact Check at ABCNEWS: Kissinger Defends McCain’s Iran Stance (broken link)
Fact checking the presidential debates (broken link)
Now lets start with some quotes and some thoughts on those quotes.
Transcript of what Henry Kissinger really said? (broken link)
KISSINGER: Well, I am in favor of negotiating with Iran. And one utility of negotiation is to put before Iran our vision of a Middle East, of a stable Middle East, and our notion on nuclear proliferation at a high enough level so that they have to study it. And, therefore, I actually have preferred doing it at the secretary of state level so that we — we know we’re dealing with authentic…
SESNO: Put at a very high level right out of the box?
KISSINGER: Initially, yes. And I always believed that the best way to begin a negotiation is to tell the other side exactly what you have in mind and what you are — what the outcome is that you’re trying to achieve so that they have something that they can react to.
Now, the permanent members of the Security Council, plus Japan and Germany, have all said nuclear weapons in Iran are unacceptable. They’ve never explained what they mean by this. So ifwe go into a negotiation, we ought to have a clear understanding of what is it we’re trying to prevent. What is it going to do if we can’t achieve what we’re talking about?
But I do not believe that we can make conditions for the opening of negotiations. We ought, however, to be very clear about the content of negotiations and work it out with other countries and with our own government.
Oh, I can see how the Lovely Liberals are using this to say Kissinger is stating we should meet with Iran without preconditions… except if you read the whole statement, he’s really saying that he prefers negotiating at the Secretary of State level… NOT the Presidential level; and that is what the argument is about.
It isn’t about whether or not we would negotiate without preconditions… it’s about whether or not the PRESIDENT should be the one to do it!!
Here is a little portion of the 1st Presidential Debate of 2008 and the argument regarding this very thing. Obama HAS stated he would meet with anyone without preconditions. He means that HE PERSONALLY will meet… not someone else… not the Secretary of State… HIM. McCain then states that Kissinger did NOT say that the President is the one to meet without preconditions. McCain might agree with meeting without preconditions… but not HIM PERSONALLY as that gives off a very bad sign to other countries.
(broken video link)
McCain Stuns Obama-Catches Him Lying About Kissinger! (broken link)
ABC News’ Kirit Radia Reports: Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger came to the defense of longtime friend Sen. John McCain following Friday’s presidential debate saying he “would not recommend the next President of the United States engage in talks with Iran at the Presidential level.”
“Senator McCain is right. I would not recommend the next President of the United States engage in talks with Iran at the Presidential level. My views on this issue are entirely compatible with the views of my friend Senator John McCain. We do not agree on everything, but we do agree that any negotiations with Iran must be geared to reality,” Kissinger said in statement issued by the McCain campaign.
Fact checking the presidential debates (broken link)
OBAMA: “Senator McCain mentioned Henry Kissinger, who is one of his advisers, who along with five recent secretaries of state just said we should meet with Iran — guess what? — without preconditions.”
MCCAIN: “Dr. Kissinger did not say that he would approve face-to-face meetings between the president of the United States and (Iranian President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad. He did not say that. He said there could be secretary-level and lower-level meetings. I’ve always encouraged that.”
THE FACTS: Obama was right that Kissinger called for meetings without preconditions. McCain was right that Kissinger did not call for such meetings to be between the two presidents.
In a foreign policy forum Saturday, Kissinger said: “I am in favor of negotiating with Iran.” He went on to say “I actually have preferred doing it at the secretary of state level” and the U.S. should go into the talks with “a clear understanding of what is it we’re trying to prevent. What is it going to do if we can’t achieve what we’re talking about? But I do not believe that we can make conditions for the opening of negotiations. We ought, however, to be very clear about the content of negotiations and work it out with other countries and with our own government.”
We can now look back at 2020 and see the lies by the media and government officials. We knew they were lying; we knew it was a power grab. Yet it was let to happen. Will we learn from 2020?
May we each take the
moment necessary out of our
days to remember those who
have gone before us in defense
of our freedoms. Without their
sacrifice, each of us would be in chains. ~ Just Jill ~
2003 to today
The Left likes everything and nothing. It depends entirely on how it helps their agenda on any given day.
Links to outside sources are typically found during internet searches or based on hearing about issues throughout the day.
No ‘one’ source is used or favored. It’s often what is found within a few minutes of looking. Sources are not necessarily one-sided but also not guaranteed to be of multiple opinions or even fact-based.
FLU consists of opinions typically on current events which are of interest to the author.
Ronald Reagan Quotes
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
― Ronald Reagan
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
― Ronald Reagan
“How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
― Ronald Reagan