Hindsight is 2020
We can now look back at 2020 and see the lies by the media and government officials. We knew they were lying; we knew it was a power grab. Yet it was let to happen. Will we learn from 2020?
May we each take the
moment necessary out of our
days to remember those who
have gone before us in defense
of our freedoms. Without their
sacrifice, each of us would be in chains. ~ Just Jill ~2003 to today
The Left likes everything
and nothing.
It depends entirely on how
it helps their agenda
on any given day. Categories
Here are just a few posts to get you started ;-)
- Presidential Prediction 2024
- Democrat Coup of 2024 – Where’s Biden?
- The World in 2024
- Gas Prices September 26, 2023
- They want us in a race war
- The Six W’s of Journalism
- Headlines – Good, Bad, Ugly
- Trump’s Decision for 2024
- Gas Prices November 15, 2022
- Gas Prices October 30, 2022
- Gas Prices October 17, 2022
- Genital Mutilation vs Mastectomy
- Gas Prices September 27, 2022
- Twenty-One Years Later on 9/11
- DEFCON Insurrection – The Red Sermon
- Biden’s Philadelphia Speech Transcript
- Headlines – Good, Bad, Ugly
- The Human Brain & Getting Along
- The Amazing Attention Seeker
- This Company Doesn’t Want Your Money
- Gas Prices August 2, 2022
- Gas Prices June 30, 2022
- Gas Prices May 21, 2022
- Gas Prices April 28, 2022
- The Dangers of Tik Tok
- Gas Prices – Updated
- Biden’s Stupidity Costs Americans at the Pump
- Gas Prices March 7, 2022
- Alexandria
- Countries Preparing for War
- Gas Prices on December 31, 2021
- Jussie Smollett Prediction
- No Right to Defense
- Borders in Question
- Unmask the Children
- Larry Elder for Governor of California
- Employers Who Discriminate
- Mass Psychosis – How a population becomes mentally ill
- Coronavirus Best Defense Videos
- Gas Prices on August 16, 2021
- More Items to Consider
- New York City to Ban Un-vaccinated from Restaurants
- The CDC Steps on the Supreme Court’s Toes
- Important Items to Consider
- Black Widow Failure = Disney Lawsuits
- Equity Survey Used to Harm Children
- Biden’s Long List of Accomplishments – He’s Got Skills
- Biden’s Handgun Ban
- CDC Continues to Spread Fear Over Vaccine
- Biden, Tear Down This Fence!
- Gas Prices on July 7, 2021
- Joe Biden Targets Unvaccinated Americans
- Kamala Harris Witch Cackle
- First Amendment Ruling – Students and Cancel Culture
- Women Athletes Should Boycott
- Email Headlines – A Reason to Unsubscribe?
- Bill Gates Hypocrisy
- It’s Out of Fashion to Get Along
- Biden Blows (it again)
- Gas Prices on May 15, 2021
- Let’s Talk Coke
- Important Items to Consider
- Kamala’s Backpedal Backstabbing of Biden
- Gas Prices on April 13, 2021
- Jordan Peterson and His Devilishly New Persona
- Complexity of Siblings
- Important Items to Consider
- Joe Biden Plans to Amplify the Chaos
- Judge Jeanine Vs. Joy Behar
- GOP Visits Southern Border
- Biden Crams Kids Together During a Pandemic
- Important Items to Consider
- Gas Prices on March 20, 2021
- Cartoon Funnies
- Parenting Style 2020 – Lock ‘Em Up
- Never Ending Reparations
- Hero Pay for All
- Pelosi’s Coup Attempt
- Biden Remains Locked Away aka Controlled
- Two Trillion Dollar B-Movie: Cue the Coup
Freedom Lover USA Info
Links to outside sources are typically found during internet searches or based on hearing about issues throughout the day.
No ‘one’ source is used or favored. It’s often what is found within a few minutes of looking. Sources are not necessarily one-sided but also not guaranteed to be of multiple opinions or even fact-based.
FLU consists of opinions typically on current events which are of interest to the author.
Ronald Reagan Quotes
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
― Ronald Reagan- “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
― Ronald Reagan - “How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
― Ronald Reagan MeWe
Truth Social
Author Archives: Just Jill
A Small Glimpse into the Parental Role of Gender Identity
In order to dive into this subject, I first needed to look at myself growing up and how unsure I was of my own identity. The conversation of how confusing it is to be a child stepping into their teenage … Continue reading
You can’t know people until you know them!
We went on our first cruise this year. I got a bit sea sick the first day and then it took over a week to get my land legs back once I was home. That could be the end of … Continue reading
Monkey See, Monkey Do
It is very easy to influence other people. This is a proven fact based on how many people believe things that are clearly not true. It’s also amazing how groups of people can influence other groups until one large group … Continue reading
A Parent’s Gender Trophy
Children cannot fully grasp the meaning of the word gender, let alone what it means to be a boy or a girl. Parents who become headliners while hugging their child and saying “we’re letting little Bobbi decide” are doing it … Continue reading
A Lie of Political Choices
When my son was 6 years old, I would let him choose the shirt he wanted to wear to school. In order to make sure he didn’t pick his pajama top or favorite stained sweatshirt, I would pick out two … Continue reading
Borders and Donald Trump Bobble Heads
Flipping radio channels is something that happens on a frequent basis in my car. I stop when I find something of interest which means I don’t land on NPR very often. Not that it doesn’t interest other people, it just … Continue reading
Election Process is More than Fair, It’s Freedom
The losing side in a Presidential election always goes back to yelling about the electoral college… because it’s just not fair. It is fair… it’s what actually makes the election process fair. But for those who keep yelling this is not … Continue reading
Headlines and Blurbs Need to Change
During the last couple of months I’ve noticed a trend in the tornado of political anger. Years ago when written news was brought to us through newspapers, we read headlines followed by the article beneath it. A headline could be … Continue reading
How Can People Not Know the USA is a Republic?
How can people not know the USA is a republic? It seems that our public school system must be teaching our children falsehoods about our history, our culture, and our government. There is no other logical reason for so many … Continue reading
Trump and the Mexican
I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and wondering why this issue about Trump and the Mexican, as he referred to him, seems to be the thing that has caused people to walk away from Trump. It seems … Continue reading
Rioters: Living on the Edge of Criminal Activity
People can justify just about anything if they believe there is a good enough reason. People can therefore justify criminal activity if they label it with good intentions. If I could not get the things that were necessary to live … Continue reading
Dear Mitt
Dear Mitt, Maybe you should look at yourself before standing before the country and throwing stones. Maybe you should look back a few years to how grateful you were to this man that you now decimate on national TV. Whether … Continue reading
Maddening Politics!
Listening to people calling up talk shows and saying they won’t vote for one person or another if they get the nomination, is maddening! What is wrong with people? This is the first time I am voting to put … Continue reading
We Create Our Doom In Our Replacement Generation
Parents have created the kids of today via their own parents over time. We tell our grade school kids to share… be fair… be gentle… don’t poke fun… follow the rules… always believe the teacher. I did the same to … Continue reading
Is Trump the Answer?
I don’t believe the Republican and Democrat party are really what Americans want them to be. We are left feeling that we must vote for one or the other but are never truly happy with our choices. When Ronald Reagan … Continue reading