Monkey See, Monkey Do

It is very easy to influence other people. This is a proven fact based on how many people believe things that are clearly not true. It’s also amazing how groups of people can influence other groups until one large group remains with a similar view.

Ever notice how someone in the entertainment field will branch out to a different opinion from their colleagues until others in their field start shaming them or their fans start bombing them on social media. Back when such a thing didn’t exist, entertainers either didn’t have enough opportunity to step out of line or, when their fans found out, there was no real way to voice your disappointment and thus the entertainer didn’t feel the backlash.

In today’s world, people have a great deal of influence over what others think and do. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots in the world that like to try their hand at rerouting us into believing completely false things. On the other hand, there are very smart people who are saying things just to see how many will follow their lead.

When I read articles where a person says something that is so utterly and completely untrue, I have to wonder; are they really that stupid or are they playing a game. Honestly, I believe there are many people who are just trying to see how many people they can influence. It’s an ego trip!

Once in a while, I think to myself that it would be fun to see if I could get others to believe something. The difference is, I just don’t have the time or the real desire to deceive others to that degree. Consider how much energy out of your regular life you would have to take in order to pull off such a con.

Now look at the political, entertainment, and media fields we have today. They all seem to be linked up in one giant conspiracy. If such a conspiracy exists, just exactly who oversees this deception.

Is it the politicians who are trying to grab all the power? Is it the comedians and movie stars? Perhaps it’s the mainstream media, the reporters, and editors? Who is it that’s pulling the strings of everyone else to get them all to believe the same thing with or without facts to back up their positions?

If it’s true there is a group of people pulling strings here and there, my next question would be are those individuals still alive or were the strings put into place decades ago in such a way that group after group continues to pull them, even without conscience effort. Were these strings put into place with such great precision that there is no end to how far this path of lies will go?

If the deception was engineered long ago, what is the end game today?

There are influential people trying to control what we do. They tell us it’s ‘for the greater good’ of society but cannot make a logical case for what they are doing. It’s sugar coated with guilt and feel-good goals that have no real meaning. They push buttons to anger people to continue the negative aspect of human nature. Do they truly want everyone to live in harmony and never hate anyone else? Of course not. Once that happens, there would be no need for their power over anyone.

Pointing fingers at individuals or groups and stating they are racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-this, anti-that, and -ist, – ist, -ist… is simply a ploy to continue the anger and hatred. They actually cause individuals to say “fine… I’ll just be what they say since they don’t believe me anyway”. There are numerous people on the internet today who make false claims to a) take the shame off themselves, b) shame someone else even if it’s a lie, and c) spotlight themselves as a hero.

What does this cause? Monkey see, monkey do. The attention whores of today want to be famous and powerful no matter who it harms. Getting others to give them that fame even while flat out lying, is a huge high for them. Look at me! Look at the harm I caused! Look at how many idiots believed me (giggle)! Look at how morally sound I am while being completely immoral because that’s clearly more moral than really being moral!

It’s all a game to see how many will follow along. Will we allow ourselves to be deceived into taking action or taking no action at all? Think about that though. We think of ‘taking action’ as something we do right now. We drive to the store or go to work or watch a show tonight. Those are things we do now. The long term and very slow-moving game plan has been to influence groups and generations over a long period of time. Years and decades of deception.

What you and I do today or next week really has no genuine consequence, right? Or does it?

What are you buying, saying, watching? What are you allowing to happen behind the scenes while the deceivers trick us into paying attention to the stupid stuff? The loud noise the media bangs out at us can be deafening. They will ignore the good a person does in order to say “don’t look at that awesome thing he just did… look over here… here… here… at this one small thing we think you will think is horrible… look… look… look… what do you mean you don’t think it’s horrible… what’s wrong with you… are you a racist or a sexist… clearly you are a bad person… look… look… look”.

Think of it as drums and horns to drown out the good preventing us from seeing the truth. Let yourself be silent and drown them out. Don’t give them the attention and power they demand of you.

I’m not saying to hide your head in the sand. Be aware but don’t be a monkey and do what they do. Don’t be a sheep and follow along because the crowd makes you feel good. It’s okay to find others with similar views, it’s okay to feel comforted that others feel as you feel. It’s not okay to allow yourself to be drug along like an old beat up toy that’s only played with when they want and tossed out when you’re of no use.

This post was originally seen on Alexandria (

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