A few weeks ago, a question came up; What did Biden know and when did he know it? That’s a question we ask about well known people (especially politician), so not a surprising one in this case.
But another question comes to mind.
What is Biden’s overall connection with China and is there a connection between him, China and Covid-19.
It’s come to light that he did know about Hunter’s involvement with China and there is a connection with his family members and pocketed money. So why couldn’t Joe ask China to do him a favor? You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.
Remember when Obama told Putin he could do more for him once he was reelected? Isn’t it funny how the media was okay with Russia when Obama was in charge, but they are the bitter enemy now that Trump is president!
What is the side bet on how quickly Russia is our best friend again if Biden is confirmed president?
That hot mic and Obama’s implied future dealings with Russia, creates a very definite possibility that Biden could have done something similar with China. He looks up to Obama immensely so would not hesitate to follow his lead or even do what Obama told him to do.
One might say this type of thing only happens in the movies. What real person would ever order up something as horrible as a virus? Have you seen the lengths certain politicians have gone to gain and keep power?
There is no stretch of the imagination now that the Democrats have exposed themselves for what they really are. The election of Donald Trump has made them desperate; so desperate that they have shown their hand many times over. So desperate that it’s obvious the amount of election fraud in November of 2020 far exceeds what we’re still uncovering today.
So, what is the over/under on the amount of involvement Biden had with China in regard to Hunter AND the fact Covid-19 popped up just in time to destroy the American economy (and thus the world).
Let’s theorize that it’s not all that far-fetched (which it really isn’t based on what we know today). Can you imagine the type of person one must be in order to do such a thing? Someone that evil should never have control of the greatest country in the world. Someone like that would destroy the country and bring about world chaos while creating a system to stay in power.
Biden and those supporting him cannot truly believe he will live long enough for such an accomplishment, so it leads to another question.
What if someone talked Biden into making such an order to wiggle him into power so they can take over while he spends his days in jail. Those standing behind him are waiting for their moment to announce his inability to lead due to his health and have Harris takeover the presidency.
I’ve heard that theory for months because we’ve all seen Biden stumble his words, not know where he is, not know what he’s saying… he’s old and forgetful and not fit for the presidency.
The democrats have denied this saying he’s fine, but at some point, they will flip and try to convince all of us he’s no longer fit. If he’s declared president, those of us who did not vote for him will need to stand behind him to keep Harris out of office. That’s a scary thought!
Do I think Harris had the power and influence to put this type of thing into motion back in 2019? No, I do not. But I do believe she would do anything to be president.
There are people in great power pulling strings and who do have the ability and influence to put things into motion. Most decent people can’t imagine the evil behind these deeds but unfortunately, we are starting to understand what and who they are.
Who would do this type of power grab? There are names that immediately come to mind. I bet my list is much the same as yours.
This post was originally seen on Alexandria (aleksandreia.com).