Trump Voters Expecting a Miracle

The types of people on social media range from someone wanting to share a picture of their cat to plotting illegal activity disguised as birthday parties. I try to spend as little time as possible on social media but find that much of the ‘known’ internet IS social media.

Looking around the last few days (really, the last several weeks) I have witnessed many people saying “just wait… there’s more to come” or “it’s not over, there are x amount of days left”.

I’m curious what they think is going to happen to miraculously keep him in office. I’ve heard odd statements about some special thing he’s keeping up his sleeve to spring at the last moment. I don’t picture Trump as one to hide a last-minute surprise to save himself.

The worry is that these people who are sitting around waiting for a light from above to shine down and blink us back to November where we can stop the fraud and the lies and make it all go away. We may find them in a great depressive state or hiding in their basements or screaming in the streets.

Mostly, I fear they will disappear and never try again; and I’ve heard a few of them symbolically banging their heads against the wall and wailing much like the one screaming into the air when Hillary lost.

Sadly, something could have been done about Georgia if people weren’t told to stay home. Was there fraud in those two run-off elections? That’s hard to say because the voters weren’t there because people stayed away.

So here we are in this moment where people can see the socialist writing on the wall based almost completely on the words coming from Biden and Harris’s mouth plus those in the House and Senate who are now frothing at the mount to rule without much opposition. Any dissention from a democrat in Congress will be met with harsh and everlasting retaliation from their own party.

The last item I’ve heard people speak about is hoping Trump will declassify documents. I do not know the procedure of such a thing or how quickly it can be done but, if that is the end game for his presidency, he best be getting to it.

This post was originally seen on Alexandria (

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