Generational Thinking Will Save America

For the last 70+ years, Americans have learned to live for the moment rather than for a lifetime.

We live for today. We live paycheck to paycheck. We live month to month. In some cases, we live year to year and there are even rarer cases where people plan for their retirement successfully.

What we don’t do is plan for decades to come. That is our downfall. Since many of us do not plan this way, those that do, end up being those who want to rule us. This election proves it. They have planned clear back into the 70’s (or longer) to change the thought patterns of Americans primarily through public education, the media, and the entertainment industry, but primarily through education.

As an example of education pushing an agenda, in the 80s, regular high school journalism classes actually still taught Who, What, Where, When, Why and pushed the rule that a journalist does not get to interject their opinion into a story but instead simply report the news without bias. The 90s seem to change this and today I wonder what a journalism class teaches other than lie if it gets you high in the ranks where you can spread more lies.

The liberals, the democrats, the far left have done a damn good job of stealing an election that should not have been stealable. Donald Trump received over 74,000,000 votes. He increased his votes from 2016 substantially, so much so that he clearly should have won.

Yet somehow, a man who has never gotten close to the presidency other than clinging for dear life to the coattails of Obama, received over 81,000,000 votes. Joe Biden did nothing to gain those votes. That’s not to say that no one voted for him because any democrat who runs will receive millions of votes because that is what Americans do; they vote for their party.

The problem with the Joe Biden scenario is that there are always those who refuse to vote for their party if in fact they do not believe the person running is the right one for the job. Case in point, my friend did not vote for Trump in 2016 because she did not like him even though she is strongly Republican. She just didn’t vote. Along comes 2020 and a few years of seeing all that Trump has accomplished and she voted for him. This is one of the reasons he received so many more votes in 2020; people saw all that he did and trusted another 4 years to him.

At the time my fingers typed this out, the Supreme Court has refused to hear the Texas Case saying there was no standing, which is another way of saying they didn’t want to get involved. There is a problem with SCOTUS getting involved which so many can not see because we want this situation fixed right now. If they got involved with this, what would they ultimately get involved with next? Of course there is a problem with them NOT getting involved and that includes the statement of he who fears riots rather than justice.

The point of writing this, however, is not to talk about today. What is going to happen is going to happen and what has happened, happened. There are over 74,000,000 people who voted for Trump and a huge majority of Republicans and Democrats believe the election was stolen from him. For the sake of ease, lets say that 74,000,000 voters believe this election was stolen from Trump. I doubt there are many Trump voters who think this was a fair election based on so many things that happened (several states stopping the vote count at the same time, they sent Republican witnesses out of the counting rooms, they continued counting in the middle of the night when they said they wouldn’t, states changed election laws illegally which favored Biden, states used Dominion which is a proven fraud based system, and many other things).

Americans (primarily the conservatives) need to STOP thinking short term. The only benefit in thinking day-to-day or month-to-month is for the immediate needs of the individual. I need food for the week, I need to pay my power bill, I need to plan my work schedule, I need new shoes, I need a babysitter, I want to get my hair cut, I want a new computer. The “I needs” and the “I wants” are often satisfied today or within a few months. That is how wonderful America is; we can get what we want and need quickly.

Short term thinking gets us the little things that make us happy today and prevents us from thinking about tomorrow and what may come. There are many things I have not accomplished because I spent my life worrying about next month or the coming holiday or the weekend.

Am I prepared for retirement? Not really and this is another subject for another time (see how I procrastinated that again) because everyone who isn’t prepared for retirement will become dependent on the government if they can’t rely on family. And over the decades we have put everyone to work so there isn’t anyone at home who can take in grandma the way they did decades back.

How can I take care of my mom or grandma or anyone if I am outside the home working? I suppose it gives us all an excuse to not do our real job of taking care of our parents, but in truth, we often can’t. This fact has caused more people to spend their last days in nursing homes rather than with family. Of course, that should change if everyone is at home living off the government with nothing to do but get fat and watch tv. I mean, if that’s all you’re doing, you can certainly take care of your aging family, right?

How do we prevent this disastrous election steal from ever happening again?

First, the fight must not stop. The lawsuits must continue. The court cases must be heard, and people must go to jail. We must get rid of Dominion and use the most secure and fraud-free process for elections in the future. Which state is the most successful at this? Find out what they do and copy that process. Duh.

Second, we must stay engaged. Keep our eyes and ears open to what happens in the next few years so we know what to do, so we understand what freedoms are being stolen, so we can overcome what restrictions and regulations will fall upon our heads.

Third, and most important, every American citizen who knows this election was stolen must repeat this story down generation to generation to generation. We must stop thinking about this week, this month, this year and start THINKING DECADES into the future. We must be sure our grandchildren’s grandchildren know the truth of what has happened in the election of 2020.

Why is this important? Because I can bet you every cent I have, every breath I will take for the rest of my life, that school kids will be taught how Joe Biden overcame the worse president in our history and saved us from a tyranny that did not exist. They will talk about the bad things Trump did and eliminate the good. They will insist that every child learn and repeat these lies in order to graduate. They will insist that their essays profess how awesome Biden was and how horrible Trump was. Children will be bullied beyond our understanding into submission and their parents will back up the schools and shame their own child.

That is the future if we do not keep this election alive in the hearts and minds of everyone from generation to generation. We must insist that our future knows the truth and fights against the lies.

The alternative is the elimination of the poor, middle and upper classes and the creation of two classes where the politicians, entertainers, ultra-rich, and the media (and any of their chosen minions) are in the Royalty Class feeling sorry for the rest of us who just can’t quite make it out of the Gutter Class.

And that’s a joke, by the way.

None of them want any of us anywhere near them. We don’t belong in their club; in their throne room. We are not royalty like them; we are servants who have the mind of children incapable of taking care of ourselves and thus, we must serve them so they can take care of us. All the while, using us for their own elevation.

It’s beyond sickening.

This post was originally seen on Alexandria (

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