If these people are so determined not to vote for whoever the nominee is, let them stay home and not vote at all rather than vote for the opposition or some other person no one knows… or waste a vote and write down their dog’s name.
Ironically, there are several people who are registered Democrat who state they will vote for Trump over their own party. I’m quite certain that there is someone complaining as I am, wondering why on earth a person would jump sides. It happens, I get it, but the reasons people are giving for not voting for Trump or Cruz are so unimportant compared to what will happen if Hilary or Bernie are elected.
It’s unbelievably stupid!
One can only hope that these people will change their minds during the next several months. If Cruz wins the nomination, maybe he can convince people. If Trump wins, maybe he can convince people. I have never been fond of using the word ‘hope’ but honestly… I hope people stop crying about not getting their favorite person and realize the people running this time around are way, way, way better than the alternative.
It’s hard to fathom just how bad it can get with another year of BO in the office… but it most certainly can get worse.