Dear Mitt,
Maybe you should look at yourself before standing before the country and throwing stones. Maybe you should look back a few years to how grateful you were to this man that you now decimate on national TV. Whether I agree with anything you said is irrelevant. Your desire to destroy with your words, in many cases, probably did the opposite.
When you come before a large mass of people you will inevitably find some who agree with you no matter what and some who will never agree no matter what you say. The challenge is to not lose those who are ready to go one way or another. Ironically, your intention to sway people to your side may have done nothing more than turn them to the other side.
I have spent more time during the last few months shaking my head in disgust than I can remember (aside from the last 8 years as a whole). What I find most upsetting and distasteful are those who say they would sooner go to the other side than vote for certain individuals who might get the nomination.
To those people I say WAKE UP.
Don’t cry into your soup just because your favorite most beloved choice as president doesn’t get chosen. Stop acting like grade school children, stop stomping your feet and pouting so loud I can hear you across the nation. Put your big boy pants on and do the right thing… and that is NOT switching to the other side. If you absolutely can’t vote for the one chosen then just stay home. Don’t go out and write in some obscure name or vote for the other team.
My mind is overwhelmed with the noise that is coming from this campaign… and we haven’t even picked the nominees from either side. It’s like romper room on steroids… a three ring circus of only clowns and riddle makers.
If I could, I would slap all of their faces and tell them to SNAP OUT OF IT! They speak as if they understand the importance of this process and I’m sure they do, somewhat. But just like Hollywood, they know nothing of what it’s like to live in the real world. We the people are an annoyance, a regrettable necessity to getting into power. That in and of itself indicates how much power the voters have but unfortunately many of them don’t know they have it.
This post was originally seen on Alexandria (aleksandreia.com).