Link to blog called “we are the 53%”… “I am the 53%.”
I read this on a friend’s Facebook post and asked “what’s this all about” anxious for something different than those who claim to be the 99%.
The news is insane lately… people walking around complaining about Wall Street in hopes of… what exactly? Then Al Gore decides to endorse Occupy Wall Street. Of all human attributes, hypocrisy is the worst. My suggestion to Al Gore is to sell all of his shares sitting on Wall Street and distribute HIS wealth to those whining that it’s not fair the rich are rich and they are not. Hypocrisy… it’s a bad taste and an evil part of humanity.
The 53% blog is representing tax paying Americans (although I’m not sure how accurate that percentage is… I am certain there is more to it than what I have read so far). I’m sure the 99% club wants the 1% of wealthy Americans to be the payers of all taxes. That’s ridiculous! All Americans should pay or NOT pay taxes… not just a small minority of citizens because the other citizens won’t do what it takes to create wealth for themselves. Don’t bother telling me that “they can’t do it because they didn’t have the same opportunities”. No… there are too many examples of people rising to wealth from nothing for people to say “boo-hoo, it’s not fair”.
My question is this… why do I have to pay taxes when others do not. I’m not talking about those members of society who are out there looking for a job and WANTING to pay their fair share. I’m talking about those who just don’t want to work and want the government to feed them cheese and wine while they sit there and do little if nothing.
Granted, some people who may consider themselves to be poor or whom society sees as poor, may pay taxes when they are employed… but many of those people get a great deal of that money back when they file their taxes. So yes, if you look at their pay stubs you may see taxes coming out… but how much of that do they inevitably get back? We get certain tax benefits for certain things… children, for instance… so for someone to say “I pay taxes” may in fact be true but if they get it all back, then did they actually pay it?
The percentage aspect of all of this… 99%…53%… 1%… whatever number you can think of is obscure and not accurate. You can make any percent fit into any way of looking at this if you exclude this data or that data… we can make the rich seem to pay nothing if we exclude certain facts. We can make the poor seem to pay more if we add in certain facts. Then, if you take those two pieces of data and combine them, wow… the rich look evil and the poor seem taken advantage of and stepped upon.
Where is the truth in percentages?