Glover and Goldberg

Check out the entire list below of obnoxious quotes!!

40 Most Obnoxious Quotes of 2009 – this link is now broken but see below

29) I write a lot of songs that could be interpreted as big patriotic songs, but in reality they’re questioning the direction the country is going. After every song in Boston, 20,000 people were going, ‘USA, USA.’ I thought, man. I almost asked them to stop, stop doing that. I don’t like it. I don’t like hearing that chant. — John Cougar Mellencamp

36) I know it wasn’t rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don’t believe it was rape-rape. — Whoopi Goldberg on Roman Polanski’s rape of a 13 year-old girl

37) …the total mindless, morally bankrupt, knee-jerk, fascistic hatred — without which Michelle Malkin would just be a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it. — Keith Olbermann 

40) But it is really not easy to make fun of the Obamas, because they’re really — they’re kind of really perfect, aren’t they?” — Joy Behar

Pat Robertson is kind of a dork… clearly… and Whoopi Goldberg made her statement that it’s MOTHER NATURE that caused the earthquake in Haiti, not God’s wrath.

Really Whoopi? Are you sure? Danny Glover would disagree and tell you that it’s the American citizens who are at fault and not Mother Nature… or God… or even Earth itself. It’s the fault of the dirty Americans.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, flash floods, high winds… they are all a part of the aging of Earth and no matter what humans do on its surface Earth will age and will change and will go through several changes for several decades and centuries and millenniums. 

Stop blaming America for everything!!

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