It seems there are more and more pictures being created in remembrance of September 11, 2001. People realize that “forgetting” is what leads to reliving history and we must not forget the atrocity that fell upon our country killing thousands of our civilians and sending even more thousands of our men and women to war.
I wish I knew who created the picture below… I think it’s great! It’s actually a very simple picture but sometimes those have the best punch.
… And always worth republishing… my son’s amazing goals (also seen below in an email to my co-workers in 2008).
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:36 AM
To: Names Removed
Subject: My Son’s Amazing GoalsIt’s amazing to me how fast time goes and usually I notice it when I think of the fact my son is actually 17 years old. As many of you know, he has joined the Army National Guard and will be going into basic training during the summer of 2009. He will be attending college for four years after that and will not be deployed unless we become involved in a “new” conflict. With so much going on in the world these days, he may end up having his college interrupted to defend our country.
He has made it a goal to make this a career as he will go from the National Guard into the Army as an officer after college. Therefore, he may indeed see himself in a situation that takes him from our loving arms and into the arms of a conflict. Perhaps that is why this year’s anniversary of September 11, 2001 (Patriots Day) is affecting me so greatly. It’s the knowledge that my son may be leaving my side to defend my freedoms that I hold so dear to my heart.
Although I find myself in tears at the thought of him simply moving down the street to go to college, I am very proud of his decision to defend his country and have such a lofty and wonderful goal for his future. He is a wonderful young man! I am afraid for his future when it comes to what he may face, but I have never been more proud of anyone in my life; he is more than I could have ever dreamed.
May we each take the moment necessary out of this day and any day we feel the need to remember those who have gone before us in defense of our freedoms.