Global Warming Disproved – What will Gore do now?

LINK: Telegraph: 2008 Global Warming Disproved

Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, rich, fat, disproved, idiotic, embarrassed, moronic, endangered species killing, carbon footprinting Al Gore.

Click the pic to see the whole toon!

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4 Responses to Global Warming Disproved – What will Gore do now?

  1. David Drake says:

    Gore is the dipstick behind the curtain. The Idiot of Oz.

  2. He’ll redouble his effort to show that whatever he does solved the problems.

  3. Jill says:

    Hey Guy… we all know he’s claiming that this cooling trend is actually a result of global warming.

    Biggest scam in the universe… well, that and the Internet. :o)

  4. Jill says:

    Well, David… at least the Wizard of Oz wasn’t a complete hypocrit. :o)

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