It seems awfully coincidental that the prices fell so dramatically just a short time before the election took place… and now they’re conveniently out of the news and off the “need to deal with it now” list that Obama carries around so snugly in his BlackBerry; the BlackBerry he was told he couldn’t keep but that he refuses to give up.
Obama has his spoiled brat moments, that’s for sure.
Note: I never want to hear anyone say to me again that once gas prices hit a certain amount, they will never go back down to past dollar amounts because Americans get used to them. That “fact” was been proved false just a few months ago. Prices are not set in stone and they will fluctuate depending upon factors the average person can not control. It’s insane how high it reached and then how low it fell. People are what make certain things worth certain amounts… we dictate value entirely. Oil is worth what it is because we say it is… nothing more.