No Power Like the Power of Freedom…

President George W. Bush in Kansas City on August 22nd, 2007 at the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention at the Kansas City Convention and Entertainment Center. This is a transcript of the entire speech… worth reading.

A small portion of the speech is below…

That generation of Americans taught the tyrants a telling lesson: There is no power like the power of freedom and no soldier as strong as a soldier who fights for a free future for his children. (Applause.) And when America’s work on the battlefield was done, the victorious children of democracy would help our defeated enemies rebuild, and bring the taste of freedom to millions.

We can do the same for the Middle East. Today the violent Islamic extremists who fight us in Iraq are as certain of their cause as the Nazis, or the Imperial Japanese, or the Soviet communists were of theirs. They are destined for the same fate. (Applause.)

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