Where’s Eisenhower when you need him?

My political opinion… I know you’ve been waiting for my opinion… well…

Opinions are like assholes… everybody’s got one. And so do I.

I wish I were more educated when it comes to current affairs in our world. But on the other hand I sometimes feel like my brain is already so totally full of crap to begin with that I can’t possibly handle all the other crap that the media wants to add.

I think that’s partly why I avoid news stories. I know I shouldn’t do that because how else am I going to know when something important is happening… I just wish they would say something nice for a change.

Well, I guess they did yesterday when they announced that they found Elizabeth Smart. Of course now the media’s job is to figure out why the girl didn’t try to escape and in so doing, will probably make her look bad. I just hate people sometimes.

But I truly feel that everyone has an opinion about everything. Whether they know what the hell they’re talking about or not. I’ve seen opinions flying all over the place about Bush and Iraq and the whole terrorist scare.

Do I have an opinion. Well… of course I do! Good god… didn’t you just hear me say that everyone has one. Geesh.

Apparently there are tons of people that think going to war with Iraq is President Bush’s fault and that if we go to war it will all sit upon his shoulders as the man who started the whole damn thing.

Now that really makes sense.

If we do in fact go to war, I will be supportive of every man and woman in our military and I will never say a negative word about our country or our leader for fear that if I do, I may in some way be the cause of those men and women, who make this country free… to fall. How can anyone in the military do what needs to be done (whether I believe it to be the right thing or not) if their own country does not support them?

Wars are never pretty and sometimes they are unnecessary… and sometimes they are very necessary. Am I some great political analyst? Do I have some knowledge greater than others? Am I somehow able to know the future and know that all will be well in the world?

No… but I do believe that supporting our country is very important. This is the greatest country in the world. That’s why so many people move here… that’s why so many of us stay.

Forcing our own beliefs on others is wrong, but keeping the world safe is most definitely right. There isn’t enough money in the universe to make me take over for Bush. And apparently everyone thinks that if a different man sat in the white house we would be in a different situation. I don’t think so. If you think he’s the only one making these decisions for our country, you’re really not aware of how this country works.

How many of us would take the place of those faced with sending people… not only to kill others, but to possibly be killed themselves?

Leaders… true leaders are far and few in between. Is Bush one of those “true” leaders… probably not. But sometimes leading is what eventually makes a great leader.

Perhaps he will end up being one of those men in history that we all look back at… and just sit around laughing our asses off. But perhaps he will be more than we ever expected.

Unfortunately, only time will tell and perhaps the lives of some of our fellow Americans.

You know… we’ve had 43 presidents so far and I’m wondering how many of them were actually good men… and I’m wondering what those “good men” would do if they were president today.

Where’s Eisenhower when you need him?

Portion of his biography…
Before he left office in January 1961, for his farm in Gettysburg, he urged the necessity of maintaining an adequate military strength, but cautioned that vast, long-continued military expenditures could breed potential dangers to our way of life. He concluded with a prayer for peace “in the goodness of time.”

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