Citizens Against Political Interference & Deceit

When you hear the words ‘defund the police’, how does it make you feel? Are you overjoyed that things will be fair and just, or do you fear for your property and life?

Hearing politicians in favor of defunding the police makes me even more suspicious of them (if that’s possible). If there are no police, then the masses will need their political masters more than ever. What does this do for them? It keeps them in power to the point of doing nothing to earn votes.

“It’s not our fault things are bad, it’s the fault of the _________”. In this case…police.

My curiosity is high on this. If there are no police, it’s not hard to imagine what will happen to the city in question. It is, dare I say, a dog whistle to criminals to go ahead and move in.

Do what you want, take what you want, rape and kill who you want; we love you more than law abiding citizens who are all, apparently, racist.

The only caveat? Vote for those who have given you this newfound power and authority… or else.

Or else what?

The politicians will not have police to protect them. Oh, maybe for a while the criminal element will have their backs, but it won’t last. Sooner or later, they will want more power than their political friends and they themselves will become the politicians.

Not that the rest of us will notice since those offering to de-fund the police seem to be themselves, criminals. What other kind of person would care so little for so many?

Some questions for our political warlords…

What happens when the citizens are no longer separated by the walls politicians have created?

What happens when they stop listening to the media or their favorite movie stars?

When we ignore the political nonsense, the media lies, and the entertainment industry belittling their fans… when that happens, we will come together and defeat them. That is their fear… actual unity among the masses who will overthrow them because people are people, and most don’t give a crap about what others look like or how they live their lives.

It’s these no-good, nasty politicians and their minions, Ms. Media and Mr. Entertainment, that stir the pot hour by hour in hopes the hate in the world will take over and they will somehow prevail.

Our chore?

To get the people rioting and looting and causing havoc to actually step back and listen to their intuition that’s quietly tapping them on the shoulder and whispering that they are being used. Until then, this idiocy will continue, and good people will lose their livelihood or simply their lives.

This post was originally seen on Alexandria (

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